Dr. Hamed Ahari
Professor of Food Science and Technology Department of IAU
Work address
Department of Food Science and Technology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Cell Phone
Brief description (about me):
I am Dr. Hamed Ahari, professor of Science and engineering of food industry, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. The discipline’s key competencies are in a wide range of food science techniques used in industrial and academic research for food and health, our department is a dynamic and creative team active in a wide range of interdisciplinary programmes. My main focus is on nano packaging and nano emulsions. I completed my postdoctoral degree in nanobiotechnology at Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in 2016, and since then I have conducted several research projects in the field of food nanotechnology and published the results of my work in several prestigious journals. I have three US patents as well as three PCTs. My team and I were able to produce Iranian saffron nanoemulsion using ultrasonic technique, which we successfully registered as a knowledge-based product. This product has been registered with the brand name Delwa in the trademark department. I have received several awards for my inventions, including Geneva Inventions, Challenge and Innovation Forum (Qatar 2021), and the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations. Currently, I am working as an official nanotechnology expert of the Iranian Standards Organization and also a member of the academic staff of the Halal Research Center of the Ministry of Health and Halal Education of the country.
• Post-doctoral Fellow of Nano Biotechnology (Nano Biosensor), Food Science and Technology Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, 2015
• PhD of Food Quality control and Hygiene, Department of Food Hygiene and Quality Control, Science and Research branch of Islamic Azad University, 2013
• MBA course – Management Faculty, University of Tehran, 2009
• Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM), Veterinary Faculty, Islamic Azad University of Garmsar, 2007
- Associate Professor, Department of Food Science and Technology, Science & Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran (2017-present)
- Assistant Professor, Department of Food Science and Technology, Science & Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran (2013-2017)
- Instructor, Department of Food Science and Technology, Science & Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran (2009-2013)
- Visiting lecturer in University of Tehran, Islamic Azad university & Payam Nour University (2010-2018)
Application of nanotechnology in Food science: In the area of nanotechnology, I have done several projects on developing active nano packaging to extend the shelf life of different food products. I have also produced Iranian saffron nanoemulsion using different techniques and have conducted several studies on that. Recent work in my laboratory has focused on: 1. Viability and stability of the following:
Food Safety and Microbiology: I have been highly interested in developing novel techniques to control, prevent or eliminate pathogenic bacteria associated with food products and have done several projects in this field.
Teaching duties: I have developed and taught several undergraduate and graduate courses:
- Quality control for MSc students in University of Tehran
- Micro Nano Structure for PhD students (Department of Food Science and Technology)
- Research methodology for PhD and MSc students (Department of Food Science and Technology)
- Novel advanced microbiology for MSc students (Department of Food Science and Technology)
- Biotechnology for MSc students (Department of Food Science and Technology)
- Food Microbiology and Advanced microbiology (Department of Food Science and Technology)
- General Microbiology for Food Science (Ghaza university)
- FOOD Microbiology for Food Science (Ghaza university)
- English language for MSc students in Tehran, Payam Nour University
- Microbiology Metabolite for PhD students.
- Microbial Toxins for PhD Students.
- certificate for registration of invention: Application of Nano Silver in Interrupting & Treatment of Cancerous Cell of Marrow. Registry no: 38710754 2
- certificate for registration of invention: Effects of Gamma Rays in E.coli Stagnant Water and Change into Usable Water. Registry no: 387101126. 3
- certificate for registration of invention: DNA Extraction by Liquid Azotes. Registry no: 38711219. 4
- certificate for registration of invention: Molecular Detection of STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS in Non Pasteurized Milk Samples by 23s r RNA,SEA,SEB,SEC Gens. Registry no: 38711324.
Articles and books
English Books
LAMBERT UNIVERSITY-2010” Increasing the Shelf Life of Iranian Caviar by Nano – Silver pakaging
LAMBERT UNIVERSITY-2010” Nano Biosensor Designing for Staphylococcus Aureus Exotoxin Detection
Translated Books
● Cartter Microbiology (Translation), Publisher: Partove Vagee, (2007). Gasem yoasef Baygi , Hamed Ahari, Mohamad Sasegi zali, Salar Nazmi, 2006
● Food Quality Assurance (scientific editor: Dr. Hamed Ahari and published : Islamic Azad University (2012).
● Food Born Parasaitology, Publisher : Islamic Azad University (2016).
● Food microbiology and laboratory practice –Black well publishing 2007- Translated by: Ahari,H, Rahimi,E, Anvar,A (2018).
● Microbial Toxin –Elsevier 2018 Translated by: Ahari, H. (2019).
● Halal Food Production: Central Organization of IAU. (2019).
Persian Books
● Nano technology in medicine and veterinary medicine (Compilation). 2008, publisher: University of Tehran –Jahad Daneshgahi- Hamed Ahari, Scientific Editor: Dr. D. Shahbazzadeh, Supervisor: Professor Dr. Ahmad Shimi
● Food Hygiene, Nanotechnology Approach (compilation), 2008, publisher: Dr Nikkhah Publication. Hamed Ahari, Scientific Editor: Dr. Gity Karim.
● Microbial and chemical food prescription (complication), publisher: Partove Vagee, 2009.
● International standards on food safety management, publisher: Iranian Fisher Research Organization, 2009
● International standards in Food Hygiene management. (Publisher: Tehran university), 2010.
● Design and standards of chemical and microbial laboratory. publisher: TEHRAN UNIVERSITY and Dr Nikkhah, 2011.
● Quality control on Fishery science _ scientific editor: Dr Hamed Ahari (publisher: Agriculture ministry of Iran), 2011.
● Food microbiology and laboratory practical methods, University of Tehran –Jahad Daneshgahi, 2012.
● Quality Control in Food safety management system, published by Islamic Azad University, 2012.
● Research methodology, vol 1_publisher: Islamic Azad University, 2014.
● Halal Food Production- Central Organisation
● Microbial Toxins- Elsevier- Translated by Hamed Ahari, 2020, publisher: Science & Research Branch of Islamic Azad University
● Research Methodology Vol.2-Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences-Food Science Data Base)-2017.
● Research Methodology Vol.3-Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences-Food Science Data Base)-2019.
List of latest research publications:
Ahari,H*., Naeimabadi,M. (2021). Employing Nanoemulsions in Food Packaging: Shelf-Life Enhancement. 25 may2021.
Efatian, H., Ahari, H*., shahbazzadeh, D., nourozi,B. (2021). Application of nano- silver and copper packaging on increasing the shelf-life of the Nile Tilapia (oreochromis niloticus. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization.
Mehdipour Biregani, Z., Ahari, H. (2021). ‘Effect of alcalase-mediated hydrolysis on the free radical scavenging activity and reducing power of whey protein isolate‘, Journal of Food and Bioprocess Engineering, 4(1), 58-62. doi: 10.22059/jfabe.2021.317538.1081
Ahari, H*., Nasiri,M. (2021). Ultrasonic Technique for production of Nanoemultions for food Packaging purposes: A review study.coating11(7), 847, 2021. https://www.mdpi.com/2079-6412/11/7/847
Saeidi, Z., Ahari,H*., Anvar, A.A. (2021). Study of Nano chitosan with marjoram essential oil in increasing the shelf life of Shrimp (Nephropidae) at
refrigerated temperature. Journal of Food Bioscience and technology 11(2), 85-98. https://jfbt.srbiau.ac.ir/article_17645.html
Savadkouhi, P., Ahari, H., Anvar, AA., Jafari, B. Effect of Carum copticum nanoessence against Saprolegnia and Fusarium, and the use of multiplex PCR assay for the detection of these organisms in Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Archives of razi institute. 76(2)231-241, 2021.
Yadolahi, M., Ahari, H*., Anvar, A. (2021). ‘Influence of Ag/LDPE nanocomposite films on the microbial growth of Beluga (Huso huso) fillets during the refrigerated storage period’, Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences. doi: 10.22092/ijfs.2021.124378.
Asl, NM., Ahari H*. Motallebi Moghanjoghi A. (2021). Assessment of nanochitosan packaging containing silver NPs on improving the shelf life of caviar (Acipenser persicus) and evaluation of nanoparticles migration. Journal of food measurement and characterization.1-9.
Gholamnezhad, P., Ahari, H*., Nikbakht Brujeni, Gh., Anvar, AA., Motallebi, A. (2021). Real-time PCR High-resolution Melting Analysis for the Species Identification of Meat Products: Focusing on Food Safety and Detection of Meat Adulterations.
Pourbaba, H., Anvar, A., Pourahmad, R., Ahari, H. (2021). ‘Changes on Acidic parameters and probiotic survival in the kefir using Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus paracasei complementary probiotics during cold preservation‘, Iranian Journal of Veterinary Medicine. https://ijvm.ut.ac.ir/article_82779.html?lang=en
KAVAKEBI, E., Anvar, AA., Ahari,H., Motalebi, A.2021. The effect of PVA coated film containing silver nanoparticles synthesized from aqueous rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillet. Journal of food and Bioprocess Engineering, 2021. https://jfabe.ut.ac.ir/article_82827.html
International Congress Papers
Nanozeolite biochemical and antimicrobial roles in poultry and domestic animals’ food. (Food micro 2008,1-4Sep, 21st International congress- England –Aberdeen)
Survey of Gamma (γ) Irradiation on Contaminated Food with Escherichia Coli (Food micro 2008,1-4Sep, 21st International congress- England –Aberdeen)
Molecular Detection of STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS in Raw Milk Samples Collected from Province Restricts, Using M. PCR Method. (Food micro 2008, 1-4Sep, 21th International congress- England –Aberdeen)
Nanozeolite antibacterial application in food chain. (IUMS 2008, International congress of bacteriology and applied microbiology)- Turkey -Istanbul
Detection, Antibiogram of STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS in Non Pasteurized Milk Samples from Tehran Province Restricts and Compare to Bacterial Culture. (IUMS 2008, International congress of bacteriology and applied microbiology)- Turkey -Istanbul
Effects of gamma rays in E.coli stagnant water and change in to usable water. (IUMS 2008, International congress of bacteriology and applied microbiology)- Turkey –Istanbul. 7. Nanozeolite biochemical and antimicrobial roles in poultry and domestic animals’ food. (Nanotech Northem Europe 2008, Denmark –Copenhagen.)
Nanotechnology Applications in Veterinary Medicine. (Nanotech Northem Europe 2008, Denmark –Copenhagen.)
Nanocid biocochemical and antibacterial properties. (Nanotech Northem Europe 2008, Denmark –Copenhagen.)
A case report of the reconstruction of head skin in a dog by H-plasty method (2nd international symposium of veterinary surgery (ISVS)- Iran –kerman
Toxicity of Nanosilver suspension in rainbow Trout (1st international congress On Aquatic Animal Health Management and Diseases)- 2009, Iran-Tehran
Nanocid effect on streptococcosis in rain bow trout fish (1st international congress On Aquatic Animal Health Management and Diseases)- Iran-Tehran
Antibiogram of STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS from Non Pasteurized Milk Samples and Culture method (1th international congress of veterinary pharmacology & pharmaceutical)-iran-tehran
Antibacterial effect of nanosilver particles on pasteurized milk shelf-life(Izmir turkey food technology congeress2011 )
Nano and Antibacterial beverage can cap to reduce microbial load, 26th Scientific conference of NSM2011
HACCP on Food safety management system, Ireland. food protection congress 2011. 17- THE INHIBITORY EFFECT OF NANOCID® AGAINST STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES, 4th international recent advances in food analysis, 4-6 november2010. Prague
GROWTH RESPONSE OF SALMONELLA TYPHIMURIUM TO SILVER NANOPARTICLE AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES, 4th international recent advances in food analysis, 4-6 November, 2010. Prague
● The study of antimicrobial properties of Nettle plant nano emulsion for increasing the shelf life of Tilapia fish, Meat Producers Company
● The comparative study of antimicrobial properties of nano silver films produced using extrusion and melt – mixing methods, Meat Producers Company
● Designing nano silver and nano clay packaging based on nano dioxide titanium using melt mixing method for increasing the shelf life of Peneaus semisucatus, University of Applied Sciences
● Formulation of a super functional drink as a sports supplement, Binesh Radpouyesh Company
● The evaluation of anti- oxidant properties of blueberry extract, Shahd Ara pharmaceutical and cosmetic company
● Synthesis of nano silver and nano copper using chemical reduction for producing nano composite packaging for extending the shelf life of Caviar, Huso huso and lobster, and evaluating the release to the product, Meat Producers Company
● Designing a release – free nano package for increasing the shelf life of butter, Pak dairy company
● Green synthesis of copper and silver nano composite, Meat Producers Company
● Halal authentication of meat using Real time PCR, Pasteur Laboratory
● The study of sensitivity and compliance of halal authentication of fermented meat products using HRM and Real Time PCR
● Increasing organoleptic as well as antimicrobial properties of Iranian saffron nano emulsion using ultra sonic homogenizer method, Talashgaran Sanat Va Tejarat Aria Company
● Physicochemical study of Iranian saffron nano emulsion, Talashgaran Sanat Va Tejarat Aria Company
● Designing nano silver and nano clay packaging based on nano dioxide titanium using melt mixing method for increasing the shelf life of caviar, Talashgaran Sanat Va Tejarat Aria Company
● Journal of Food Processing Preservation/if: 2.190/Wily.WOS
● Iranian Journal of Fisheries science/if: 0.711/ISI. WOS
● LWT journal of food science/if:4.952/ WOS
● Journal of Food Processing/if:1.288/ WOS
● Journal of Food Process Engineering/if:2.356/Wiley. WOS
● International Journal of Food Properties/ ISC
● Frontier Journal/if:0.214/ WOS
● Coating Journal/if:1.815/ WOS
● Journal of Food Processing and Preservation
● Journal of Food Safety
● Iranian Journal of Aquatic Animal Health
● Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization
● Food and Bioprocess Technology
● Journal of Food Process Engineering
● Challenge and Innovation Forum, Qatar, 2021
● Diploma, Geneva inventions, 2021
● Gold, International Invention and Innovation competition for IFIA INV members, Genova, Switzerland, 2021
● Validity of HRM technique for Halal authentication of raw and cooked meat, Peiman Gholam Nejad, Department of Food Science & Technology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, 2021
● Isolation and detection of lactobacillus species from milk clot and the study of their probiotic and antimicrobial properties, Sanaz Kousha, Department of Food Science & Technology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, 2021
● The effect of Iranian saffron (Crocus Sativus) nano emulsion produced by ultrasonic homogenizer method on the shelf life of Penaeus semisulcatus, Maedeh Pourmoghadam, Department of Food Science & Technology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, 2021
● The study of Al2O3 nano particles based on SiO2 and TiO2 on physical properties of food packaging, Samaneh Tavakkolian, Department of Food Science & Technology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, 2021
● Synthesis of nano silver and nano copper using chemical reduction for producing nano composite packaging for extending the shelf life of Caviar, Huso huso and lobster, and evaluating the release to the product using ICP-Mass, Maryam Kargar, Department of Food Science & Technology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, 2021
● Producing LDPE nano composite packaging based on nano silver particles using melt mixing method and the study of its effects on physicochemical properties and shelf life of butter, Mobina Pouya Manesh, Department of Food Science & Technology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, 2021
● The effects of Iranian Saffron nano emulsion produced by ultrasonic homogenizer technique on the shelf life of Penaeus semisulcatus, Maedeh Pour Moghadam, Department of Food Science & Technology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, 2021
● Extending the shelf life of lobster using Iranian saffron nano emulsion produced by spontaneous and ultrasonic homogenizer methods, Mahnoush Abu Torab, Department of Food Science & Technology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, 2020
● The study of possibility of producing super functional kefir drink containing high levels of conjugated linoleic acids and evaluating its physiochemical properties, Hamid Pourbaba, Department of Food Science & Technology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, 2020
Supervision of more than twenty-five Master theses.
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