Journal/Book/Patent Name: Asian Journal of Chemistry
Calculating Relative Sound Velocities of Sea Salts by A New Method
Afshin Mohseni Arasteh, Kamran Lary, Sara Allahyari Beik
Delwa's Author(s): Dr.Sara Allahyari Beik
Publication Date: November 8, 2009
Publisher: asianpubs
Volume Number: 21
Issue Number: 8
Page(s): 5833-5837
Relative sound velocity (U-U0) of several solutions were measured from 0.01 to 1.0 at 25 °C. The sound velocities were fitted to a function of molality (maximum standard deviation 0.05 m/s) U = U0 + Am + Bm3/2 + Cm2 , where U0 is the sound velocity in pure water, U = sound speed in given solution, m = molality and A, B and C = temperature dependent parameters. The sound speed of sea water calculated with the direct measurement.